We delight in achieving exceptional outcomes for our clients. Occasionally, this means advising clients to not proceed with a transaction or exploring a new path.
We believe that traditional percentage based advisory work is expensive, binary and not appropriate. It is really more akin to a sales commission.
We decided many years ago to work on a fee-for-service basis.
Clients are invoiced by way of a combination of hourly rates and outcome based billing.
Our philosophy of fee-for-service relies on a theme ratio of 1:5. We expect that our level of fee to reflect an improved outcome of at least five times our fee-for-service. Historically, our results have reflected a ten-fold outcome for our clients.
Discovery work and strategic papers are generally charged on an hourly rate as follows:
Principal Consultant - $490+GST per hour
Senior Consultant - $250+GST per hour
Research & Administration - $140+GST per hour
Retainer Advisory & Advisor to Board - Monthly retainer per quotation
Given our boutique scale, we only take on a select number of clients each year.
Clients work one-on-one with a Director, rather than a junior or mid-range employee consultants, the latter of which clients may generally be accustomed to with the larger, corporate advisory firms.
This boutique scale has an additional benefit of significantly lower overheads and senior resources are considerably more cost effective than those from a large corporate practice.